Notion Global Product Rollout Template

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👋 Hey there, Product Managers and Product Ops folks!

This Notion template is designed to make managing and tracking your global product rollouts a breeze. Use it to:

  • Provide visibility to stakeholders: a single source of truth of planned, upcoming and rolled out features
  • Quick and flexible way to define launch scope: add megaregion, region or list specific countries.
    • time save for Product folks: no need to list out country by country if the feature has a broad geo scope.
    • visibility and control for Regional and Local stakeholders: the scope is always automatically translated to the country level so that teams can always see what features are live in their market.
  • Track launch progress and impact: automated reporting on rollout by country (% of countries live out of all countries planned) or expressed in business metrics (% Gross Bookings or other relevant metric).
  • Slice and dice the data:
    • launch calendar view, table view, status board
    • filter by country, team, status
  • Automate weekly product reporting: use the email template to keep your stakeholders updated on the launch progress, inform about past launches and features coming up next week.
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Notion Global Product Rollout Template

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